Gigi On Stage

Pierluigi "Gigi" MeloniUTTERSKILLS

As a rule, the person who can stand up and say what they think clearly takes on the leadership role.

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Current Topics

These are the current topics for keynotes or conference talks.

Coding Skills Alone Won't Get You Far

Despite tech advancements, 70% of IT projects worldwide have been "unsuccessful" over the past 20 years. These issues stem from a lack of soft skills, not technology. Overemphasis on tech results in poorer outcomes and job frustration. The talk discusses the untapped potential of soft skills (or skills beyond code) and demonstrates the immense boost they have on careers and the success of IT projects.

The Tech Career Playbook - 7 Rules Beyond Code

Discover the essential Skills Beyond Code that complete an IT professional's profile in the tech industry. This hands-on talk provides practical, actionable tips in all critical areas such as self-organization, professional responsibility, communication, IT processes and ownership, collaboration, technical leadership and business acumen. The talks is variable and the focus can be adapted to the different topics and audiences.